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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Laylat al-Qadr

Bismillahi 'r-rahmani 'r-raheem

As-Sayyid Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani speaks on
Laylat al-Qadr
Peckham Mosque, London on Laylat ul-Qadr Ramadan 1415 (Feb-Mar 1995)

Nights are the time which Allah `azza wa jall has designated for the attainment of spiritual blessing and power. Allah told His Beloved in the Quran: Rise to pray in the night except a little (73:1)

Allah ordered Prophet (s) to spend most of the night in worship in order to prepare his heart for the tremendous revelation of Quran. This night worship was the means for the Prophet (s) to ascend and to attain more and more power. His Companions would join him for the night prayer and would be rising up in station and spirituality:

" Surely We will make to descend on you a weighty Word. Surely the rising by night is the firmest way to tread and the best corrective of speech. (73, 1-5) "

Laylat al-Qadr is a holy night. All nights of Ramadan are holy nights but Laylat al-Qadr is the holiest night of this holy month. It is also the holiest night among all other holy nights throughout the entire year. It comes only once a year and Allah Almighty grants to His most praised, most respected and most beloved servant Sayyidina Muhammad (s) this holy night, the Night of Power. About this night, God, the Glorious and Exalted said:

In the name of God, the Beneficent the MercifulIndeed We sent it [the Holy Quran] down on the Night of Power.What will convey to you what the Night of Power is like!Better is the Night of Power than a thousand monthsin that Night the angels and the Spirit descendby the permission of their Lord for every affair.Peace it is, till the break of dawn.[Quran, Chapter 97]

"Night of Power" is a very strange translation for "Laylat al-Qadr" but it attributes to it a good meaning: whoever may attain the blessings of this holy night should attain perfect power in his spiritual life. One can attain perfect power by means of this night because its value is more than one thousand months of worshipping. Every worship performed increases the spiritual power of people and in this night any worship is going to be valued as one thousand months of worshipping on any other night. It is condensed power. God, the Almighty, makes it a mighty night by placing in it such incredible power, making it a much mightier night than other nights. Allah Almighty says it is much more valuble than one thousand months of worshipping. That means Allah Almighty granted such huge power to that night.

It is just such a mighty night which is highly respected and given such a high value by the Lord Almighty. It is so mighty that it is said that it is the most mighty night, that Night of Power. Allah Almighty puts in it power for His servants to come closer to His Divine Presence. In a short time a that great power adorns worshippers in this night and they may be able to penetrate through the entire heavens and reach the Divine Presence.

People on this night are going to be on several different levels. No doubt we are on the lowest level, so we are hoping in this night to attain the honor and illumination granted in it. When we reach a higher level and as it is a holy night in the heavens as well, we will begin to sense something [of the great power being manifested] on this night. Whoever is at the highest spiritual level must be present for this night in the Divine Presence of the Lord.

That appearance will occur in a matter of seconds, perhaps within a single second. Perhaps one second is an enormous unit of time [in comparison] to that moment. It may be more than a second or much less, but it is an instant in time when an appearance from Divine Presence is manifested to creation. When that Divine Appearance manifests (Ar. tajalli), no one will remain standing throughout the heavens and the earth. Everything falls into prostration, throwing themselves down in prostration for that moment. That manifestation of Divine Power--that Divine Light--appears, and whoever is prepared and who has also been invited to attend that appearance sees it and falls in prostration. Everything in that moment falls in prostration (Ar. sajda): all animals--even ants, even elephants, even giraffes, even dogs--on that night they are not sleeping but are hurrying to make prostration on experiencing that divine manifestation. All trees-- even buildings--bow down in prostration and then rise up to their original positions. This is mentioned in Quran:

" And unto Allah falleth prostrate whosoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, as do their shadows in the morning and the evening hours. (ar-R`ad, 15) "

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Where is God? by J. Rumi

Bismillahi 'r-rahmani 'r-raheem

I tried to find Him on the Christian cross, but He was not there; I went to the Temple of the Hindus and to the old pagoda, but I could not find a trace of Him anywhere.

I searched the mountains and the valleys but neither in the heights nor in the depths was I able to find Him. I went to the Kaaba in Mecca, but He was not there either.

I questioned the scholars and philosophers, but He was beyond their understanding.

I then looked into my heart and it was there where He dwelled that I saw him; He was nowhere else to be found.

Jalaluddin Rumi

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Monday, October 10, 2005

Ramadan - The Gates of Allah’s Mercy

Bismillahi 'r-rahmani 'r-raheem

The Prophet (s) gave good tidings about this holy month. The first third of this Holy Ramadan is the days of mercy for all people, ten days, the second ten days are the days of forgiveness of Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala, and the last one-third, is freedom from Hell for believers--Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala freeing them from Hell. Therefore, believers who try to keep the Lord’s orders during the days of Blessed Ramadan by fasting and during the night by praying Tarawih and night prayers (tahajjud), may be rewarded by our Lord giving them immunity safety, (bara`a) from Hell, and they have been given good tidings of Paradise.

read more: Ramadan The gates of Allah's mercy

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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Fast of Holy Ramadan

Bismillahi 'r-rahmani 'r-raheem

"who believe, fasting is decreed for you
as it was decreed for those before you;
perchance you will guard yourselves
The month of Ramadan is the month
in which the Koran was sent down,
a guidance for the people,
and clear verses of guidance and
[Quran: Chapter 2, 183]"

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Monday, October 03, 2005

Welcome Recitation for Ramadan

a`udhu billahi min al-shaytan al-rajim

bismillah al-rahman al-rahim

marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahra ramadan

marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-nur
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-fuqara'
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-du`a'i wa al-wuquf
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-ihsan
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-fawzi wa al-falah
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-da`wati wa al-irshad
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-masabiha wa al-qanadil
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-mala'ikati wa al-salam
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-mutheerati wa al-asabb
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-ajri wa al-jaza'
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-sa`ada
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-wasli wa al-wisal
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-qur'an
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-ijtima`
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-tawbati wa al-ruju`
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-fuqara'i wa al-du`afa'
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-`usat
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-munajati wa al-tasbih
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-tarawiha wa al-qiyam
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-khaza'ini wa al-kunuz
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-iftari wa al-suhur
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-du`afa'
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-sabri wa al-siyam
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-miftah
marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya shahr al-wadadi wa al-mahabba

marhaban ahlan wa sahlan ya sayyid al-shuhur

lam na`rif qadraka wa lam nahfaz hurmataka ya shahr al-ghufran
fa ardi `anna wa la tashku minna ila al-rahman
wa kun shahidan lana bi al-fadli wa al-ihsan


I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan

In the name of Allah the Merciful the Beneficent
Greetings and welcome O month of Ramadan
Greetings and welcome O month of the Qur'an
Greetings and welcome O month of light
Greetings and welcome O month of gathering
Greetings and welcome O month of the poor
Greetings and welcome O month of repentence and return
Greetings and welcome O month of invocation and standing in supplication
Greetings and welcome O month of the poor and the weak
Greetings and welcome O month of doing one's best
Greetings and welcome O month of the sinners
Greetings and welcome O month of victory and success
Greetings and welcome O month of intimate discourse and glorification
Greetings and welcome O month of the call and the guidance
Greetings and welcome O month of rest-between-prayers and standing to pray
Greetings and welcome O month of lanterns and lights
Greetings and welcome O month of coffers and treasures
Greetings and welcome O month of angels and safety
Greetings and welcome O month of breaking fast and eating before the fast
Greetings and welcome O month of tilling and of deafness to sin
Greetings and welcome O month of the weak
Greetings and welcome O month of repayment and reward
Greetings and welcome O month of fast and patience
Greetings and welcome O month of felicity
Greetings and welcome O month of the key
Greetings and welcome O month of union and reunion
Greetings and welcome O month of friendship and love
Greetings and welcome O master of all months
We have not treated you according to your immense price
Nor truly sanctified you, O month of forgiveness,
But be pleased with us nevertheless, do not blame us before the Merciful,
And testify for us with grace and goodness!

Welcome Ramadan

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